- Go Animate - class statements on Post-Modern audie...
- Go Animate presentations - audience statements
- 5.2 Lesson Plan - Immersion & Flow, Fluid Identiti...
- How do Postmodern Media Texts challenge traditiona...
- Reality TV: Post Modern Audience Theory
- Go Animates - Fluid Identities/Simulacra/Immersion...
- Fluid Identities/Simulacra/Immersion & Flo
L2 D Define the following terms:
Fluid Identities
Ironic Position
Detached Position
Sandbox games
L3 C Apply the above to your own examples of contemporary Gaming (last 3 years)
L3 B Outline why these concepts are Post Modern?
L4 A Explain how do they challenge traditional text/reader relationship or the concept of representation (real vs simulated)