How do
post-modern media texts challenge traditional text readers in
relations and concepts of representation?
Lyotard believed in
his theory that post modernism has a lack of belief in progress, this
is because of the collapsing of boundaries between modernism and
postmodernism, such as grand narratives being turned into meta
narratives. This is clearly seen in media texts such as gaming and
social networking sites. This is because without the audience the
texts would not work as the audience controls the media; media has
become very interactive. Through these texts the audience is able to
create new identities which they get addicted to and end up
forgetting their original, real identity. There is a lack of trust in
traditional ideas as in modernism improvements made in technology and
science would be highly looked upon whereas in postmodernism people
care more about technology and not the science behind it.
to the breaking of boundaries in postmodernism, people are living in
a hyper-real state where nothing has a specific meaning and portrays
style over substance.
An example of this is Niki Manaj appealing to her target audience to
be a Barbie styled character. She chooses to represent herself in
this way because she wants to attract a specific audience. Therefore
she has fluid identities as she chooses how she wants to act around
various people. This takes place in their marketing campaigns to
create hyper real versions of themselves for the consumers to buy
into. This then breaks the structure of reality and hyper reality to
be the persona she wants to be by merging the two together this is so
that they are able to make more money, which could lead to no
progress for the future.
focuses on the way people, ideas and events are presented to us.
identities and flow and immersion relate to one another. Fluid
identities is when someone has multiple identities. The audience
feels safer hiding behind these identities, however it is a temporary
construction. They adapt an idea that can show who they are without
the social constraints of the real world. In Black Mirror, 15 Million
Merits the protagonist controls the avatar to gain points, however
this takes over his life. This is due to lack of belief in progress.
Whereas flow and immersion refers to when gamers become so engrossed
in a game that they believe its reality and not hyper-reality.
theory is the breaking of structures between real and hyper real and
the simulated. This is because they adopt a screen persona with
juxtaposes their real life. The audience believe they are the game
and these games react and rebel against modernism. Modernism has no
progression and so people adopt a virtual life to be able to live
their dreams though the avatar of them, which breaks the boundaries
between real and hyper real and also the boundaries between who you
are and how you chose to represent yourself. They can chose how they
want to appear online. Gaming and social networking is addictive for
some people and begins to be all that they spend their time doing,
which portrays a dystopian future, as in Black Mirror 15 Millions
Merits. Wreck it Ralph media text collapses the boundaries and breaks
the flow of modernist games which consequently breaks the immersion.
games are simulacra. If you are not skilled enough in a game then you
cannot reach a higher level, this is postmodern as it is a polar
opposite to modernism as this is interactive media. With books you
are able to read them over and over whereas games you cannot have the
same experience. Gaming revolves around the building of a character,
without human interaction, like social networking it will not work.
There are no consequences in gaming whereas in the real world there
are laws set in place in society. This is different to modernism as
films will continue to play regardless of human interaction. This
challenges modernism because of the high level of interaction that
the audience need to keep their concentration.
15 Million Merits, they need to play a game to be able to gain points
to live. Whereas in reality if a game is not played it will not
affect the persons life and their real life will continue. People
playing the game are more focused on the game screen when cycling and
do not have the need to interact with anyone else or form a
relationship with them. 15
Million Merits can be argued to be extremely postmodern and a great
representation of the future of our society. It has characteristics
of postmodernism including having a dystopian future. Post modernism
is looked upon in a negative way which is why there is a dystopian
outlook on our future shown through Black Mirror, 15
million Merits displays this very well, as it references
intertexually to current trends such as social networking sites,
facebook. Also gaming with the avatars in the programme and even
references to the show X-factor, with the show known as 'Hot Shots'.
This shows an interactive culture which is dependent of technology.
believed that, "we live in a world where there is more and more
information, and less and less meaning". This relates strongly
in 15 million merits where people live as a virtual avatar, similar
to what you would find on Facebook and Twitter. This highlights the
hyperreal/simulated human and whether the avatar even holds a meaning
for us anymore.
People are not uncomfortable with the idea of talking to pictures and
not having real conversations but merely through a electronic device.
The need for the audience to be so interactive is because they would
be bored as everything has already been created and done once,
whereas technology is continuously changing and the audience feel
involved in this postmodern change and approach within society. They
are able to chose the way in which they want to be to immerse
themselves into the hyper real life style as their existing one is
not as interesting, which blurs the boundaries of real and hyper
Both of these media texts contain
aspects of postmodernism whereas Ralph is more similar to modernism
and 15 Million Merits has a very clear message and a deeper meaning
that it wants to send thorough the postmodern drama about the
audiences futures. From these texts I can give my own prediction for
the future for this culture will be
that consumers turn into prosumers, nothing will be created
originally because of the lack of belief in progress and collapsing
of boundaries between the real and hyper real and everything will be
a bricolage. People will become fully dependable on technology and
never have to do a hard day's work in their lives again, but this is
not a healthy future.
Early version of postmodernism - 80's video games? Pacman - very structures gameplay
How has the structure become less defined with GTA and Sims?
E/A/A 15
Ex 15 (historical reference)
T 8
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