DeBord - Society of the Spectacle
Foucault - Panopticon

Charlie Brooker
understands PoMo
He is deliberately
using these theories for a purpose – to comment on where we could be headed – Dystopian,
cynical look at the future
To wake us up – to
make us aware of what has become 'normalised' behaviour
Questioning a lack of morality and authenticity (Love vs Wraith Babes)
Society of the spectacle - commodifying sex, rebellion and revolution, relationships, beauty
Knowledge and power - dominant group create the TRUTH, Ideas Prison: incapable of imagining beyond what we are told are natural or the 'status quo'.
Pantopicon, culture that controls behaviour by watching - we are watched and are the watchers (social networks)
Knowledge and power - dominant group create the TRUTH, Ideas Prison: incapable of imagining beyond what we are told are natural or the 'status quo'.
Pantopicon, culture that controls behaviour by watching - we are watched and are the watchers (social networks)
references to Xfactor & Big Brother – Parody: in order to criticise
There is a message: a
warning – of where we could be headed:
Is this a postmodern
text after all
Stylistic: Jameson – Y
– Lyotard – No (what happens when you remove barriers)
Theoretical Approaches:
Foucault Baurillard – Y
Ideas Prison