Monday, 31 March 2014

4.5 Case Study 2: 15 Million Merits/White Bear

Watch the episodes White Bear or 15 Million Merits

New Info:
Please split yourselves into 3 groups, one to cover each theorist

Group 1. Dubord

Group 2. Baudrillard

Group 3. Foucault

Here is the link, work you way through the resources to put together a presentation on how you can apply this to our TV case study 15 Million Merits & White Bear

Task 1. 
In your teams research your Theorist

Task 2. Create Meaning
Reform into 2 groups of 3/4 with a student who has studied each theorist and share our videos/learning 
Prepare an overview using Powtoon of a debate between these 3 theorists about how their theories relate to Xfactor and Social Networking.

Session 2:
Task 3. Apply to the Case Study in 2 x teams of 3 (1 per Theorist)
Use Clip Converter to download the episode.
Edit out the key scenes and visual examples (45 secs max)
Import into Prezi and add your analysis of how the quote applies to the examples(s) chosen.
Conclude with a decision of to what extent this is 'Theoretically' PostModern

Baudrillard: Simulation

Foucault: The Panopticon

Debord: The Society of The Spectacle

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