Thursday, 27 March 2014

Homework: How to answer the exam question - follow these!

1. Read the question

2. Translate the terms used and explode out all the evidence/ideas/theories this links to

3. How is it asking you to define PoMo: rejection of BIG IDEAS and lack of belief in progress
4. List your evidence for and against - draw boxes around & number to 'weigh up' the relevance of each point

5. Balance and link the stylistic (paragraph 1), Structural (Paragraph 2: For PoMo and Paragraph 3: For Modernism) and theoretical approach (Paragraph 4: no belief in truth = emptiness, pessimism = superficial style over substance, lack of depth and distopia)

6. Write out your opinion now you have balanced all the evidence - this is your answer and therefore - the Introduction. Add to this your definition of PostModernism.

7. Conclusion - From 1980's games or Tron to Ralph, how has Postmodern characteristics intensified or become stronger over 30 years? How is film reacting to a gaming audience that demands interactivity from it's media? Where will this take film in 30 years from now?

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