Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Lesson 5.3 The Postmodern Audience: Gaming, Taste, Immersion & Flow

Which one is this...?

How do post-modern media texts challenge traditional text-reader relations and the concept of representation? 
In what ways do media audiences and industries operate differently in a post-modern world?

PoMo Audience Theory – Research & apply to our texts (give 1 statement each)
Read & Apply to our texts/exemplify -

Create Meaning
Group 1Go Animate
Are games postmodern

Create Meaning
Group 2Go Animate

Foucault: Fluid Identities - Not Fixed

Create Meaning
Group 3Go Animate
Handout - Flow & Immersion, Fluid Identities   

Resources to check your learning:

Apply to demonstrate: Create a Sim, screen record examples of what the content above describes

Edit together a Video Essay responding the the questions, use the boxes approach we discussed last lesson.


  1. Starter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69F7GhASOdM

    D Identify the PoMo Terminology to the philosophical idea
    Immersion & Flow

    C Apply this to an example of the 'contemporary cave' - what points can you apply to this?
    Lost in Hyper-Reality (decay of the Real)
    Fluid Identities
    Collpase between Audience & Text

    B Analyse what makes this a Postmodern idea - give reasons (Empty/Collapse/Power)

    Create a http://www.weeworld.com/ or upload your videos of you playing GTA/Sims 3

    A Annotate your video to Explain why your own example of Gaming (Sims, GTA 5, Call of Duty) demonstrates:

    Plato' Cave
    Immersion & Flow
    Fluid Identities
    Collpase between Real & Artificial
    Collpase between Audience & Text
    Loss of belief in Grand Narrative (Morality)

  2. Extention Tasks (A+ Critical Thinking)
    Are we real?

    Is the universe a simualtion/hologram?

    You are a simulation & Physics can prove it

    Please add your thoughts to the comments below:
    Are we beyond Post-Modernism & why?
