Friday, 30 January 2015

3.4 Case Study 2 Black Mirror: Theoretical Appraoch, Baudrillard, Debord, Foucault

Assessment of Theoretical Approach

Create Meaning

Next Lesson - essay boxes, prepare homework:

Pre-reading 1: Article on Black Mirror

Prep work 2: Essay Plan on Case Study 1 ready for next lesson
Recap on Learning Case Study 1: Ralph

Lyotard - the lack of belief in the 'Grand Narrative' (Modernist Ideology/Theories accepted as Truth)

What Grand Narratives does Wreck It Ralph (a Disney film) celebrate and NOT reject? 

From Lyotard's approach - is it PostModern?

Assessment question: 
To what extent is Wreck It Ralph a late PostModern text? Refer to Lyotard and Jameson's approaches in your response.  

A Justify your argument - to what EXTENT is it 'Post-modern' (style, themes/ideas in the film) - how has this intensified since Tron?

B Explain why these characteristic are considered 'post-modern' ('after' or 'against' Modernism)

C Analyse the characteristics that qualify the text as being postmodern (relate to Theorists)

1. Structural (Historical) Postmodernism

  (especially Media Theories from Section A)

  • Genre (different games genre boundaries, hybridity)
  • Narrative (Binary Opposition, Propp's characters? Dystopia)
  • Representation (Reality/Artificial, Male/Female, Child/Adult) 
  • Audience (between the film and & audience)

2. Stylistic Postmodernism


  • Intertextuality (Tron, Retro 8 bit Games)
  • Bricolage
  • Parody
  • Pastiche
  • Playful & Ironic
  • Hybridity 
  • Nostalgia (references to the 1980's)


  • Lack of Belief in Progress
  • Rejection of Grand Narratives (BIG TRADITIONAL IDEAS) = Empty of meaning/Superficial
  • Rejection of Grand Narratives = Collapsing Theories/Structures (aka Grand narratives - good beats evil, hero beats villain, hero = good, villain = bad)


  • Hyperreal (Augmented/enhanced reality - ie dogs can talk in Family Guy)
  • Simulation (Simulacra)
Pre-reading 2: Prep for Case Study 2 Black Mirror
 Next Lesson: E/O/Module Assessment:

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

300 word essay is Ralph PoMo - A grade

'Wreck-It Ralph' is an animation based around an arcade game character Ralph, who's main goal is to become the 'good guy' by bringing a gold medal back to the 'Fix-It Felix' characters who consider him to be the bad guy. Nostalgia is seen straight away before the film even starts as an old Disney animation intro fits with the retro feel of the film. The introduction of Ralph shows post-modernism because we soon align with him, the 'bad guy' and not the other characters in 'Fix-It Felix'. The film shows styles of parody in the 'Bad Guys Anonymous' scene when the 'bad guys' of known arcade games are neutered down to people just like us, they become human-like and Ralph speaks up to say that he doesn't want to be the bad guy. This is creating a parody version of the way people have grown up with games and see the 'bad guys' in a different way. Pastiche is shown in the beginning of the film when Ralph is introduced. This is when the arcade game 'Fix-It Felix.Jr' comes to life through the film and shows hybridity because this wouldn't usually happen in real life. However because the film starts of with a arcade style look on the screen, which is a pastiche of the arcade games people grew up with, it helps to make the film enjoyable as you want to believe Anonymous happens in real-life. The common modern structure of narrative is broken in the clip, the Hero's Duty female character is portrayed as masculine and more dominant than Felix. As they are about to kiss she fires her gun and kills the romantic mood, this contrasts to modernism although during the clip we do see Felix saving her as she stares at him, this is the only part in the clip that follows rules of modernism.

In the game 'Candy Rush'  from 'Wreck-It Ralph' we see the racing track smothered with sweets, ice cream and chocolate. This can be viewed as a Bricolage between Mario Karts racing and Willy Wonka's candy land this is an example of Post modernism and intertextuality. The trailer from the film 'intertexuality', we see that hyper-reality hasn't been done before and even though the film is dated, it shows a future of simulacra where people immerse themselves in their video games rather than existing in real-life. In the clip we see humans that are animated, this is a feature of post modernism because we can not distinguish what's real or simulated, we see a simulated game with artificial humans, this collapses modernistic narrative structures and is also playful and ironic.There's more nostalgia in the film that might have been missed, which is at the very beginning of the film when the camera zooms in to the 'Fix-It Felix.Jr' game. However, included in the wide angle shot before this, is games like Pac-Man and Space Invaders, which are nostalgic  to many adults who grew up playing those games. The retro computer screen fits within the feel of the film, which creates bricolage as the idea of abandoned arcade games blend with modern day animation. Post-modernism is present in 'Wreck-It Ralph' through nostalgia as it shows our lack of belief in human progress when we keep looking back in the past. Bricolage blends the idea of video games and films, and while we can control video games, we cannot control this film. This comes into the self-reflective side of the film which shows that there is no line between good and bad in people. 

The ideas that feature in Wreck it Ralph show eclecticism because it draws on more than one idea and does not go on just a set of assumptions. For example, we don't assume that all the villains are the bad guys, that there is good and bad in everyone, as even the people from 'Fix It Felix' show acts of bullying towards Ralph, who just wants to be the good guy, and fit in. There is a modernist view of the villain living in the dump, in the darkness alone, while the heroes live in the nice penthouses illuminated. (Light representing goodness and purity and darkness representing the opposite, it is clear that the grand narrative here is fairly modernist.) At Bad Anon, the villains show a degree of vulnerability, and not in the modernist way of being vulnerable. These emotions and feelings of self doubt are apparent, in a post modern way. A line from one of the villains (a zombie) is "labels won't make you happy, you must love you." Modernism was obsessed with labelling people, genders, sexualities, races. A post modern society tries to break down these labels and has even introduced people that don't identify with any of these labels. While it is a kids film, Disney still showing that it has a message in it, despite it's post modern qualities.

as an old Disney animation intro fits with the retro feel of the film - no, this sequence is base on retro video games from the 80s

, they become human-like and Ralph speaks up to say that he doesn't want to be the bad guy - yes this is PoMo, by you need to explain why, last weeks notes will help you do this, this requires explanation of how this demonstrate these central ideas of Postmodernism that lies behind why it looks like this

The common modern structure of narrative is broken in the clip, the Hero's Duty female character is portrayed as masculine and more dominant than Felix.  - good, see how you have linked this example to the explanation of PoMo ideas

Bricolage between Mario Karts racing and Willy Wonka's candy land this is an example of Post modernism and intertextuality.  - explain why are these terms PoMo?

 In the clip we see humans that are animated, this is a feature of post modernism because we can not distinguish what's real or simulated, we see a simulated game with artificial humans, this collapses modernistic narrative structures and is also playful and ironic. - Very good point! Develop your other points as you have here, well done.

Post-modernism is present in 'Wreck-It Ralph' through nostalgia as it shows our lack of belief in human progress when we keep looking back in the past. - excellent

This comes into the self-reflective side of the film which shows that there is no line between good and bad in people.  - good attempt but not what this term means.

and while we can control video games, we cannot control this film. - so does this make it PoMo?

 A line from one of the villains (a zombie) is "labels won't make you happy, you must love you." Modernism was obsessed with labelling people, genders, sexualities, races. A post modern society tries to break down these labels and has even introduced people that don't identify with any of these labels. While it is a kids film, Disney still showing that it has a message in it, despite it's post modern qualities. - very good conclusion here Natasha, excellent understanding and well rationalised

Excellent effort - very impressive level of understanding using the resources independently.

To improve:
Using Nostalgia and Intertextuality adds familiarity to a text, so does this communicate on a deeper level of recognition and emotion for individuals that 'get' the references? Could we argue PoMo is a language that excludes some based on age or experience?
Make sure your explanation of what they are PoMo is consistent with all your points.


300 word essay on Ralph and Jameson - A3

To what extent is Wreck It Ralph a Post-Modern text?

Postmodernism is a lack of belief, a collapse of structures and the breaking down of traditional ideas. Postmodernism and modernism are binary opposites but Wreck it ralph includes both postmodern and modern ideas in it. The theorist Jameson is all about the style and believes that the idea that new ideas cannot be made- referring to the lack of belief in progress. This means intertextuality occurs as we refer back to old media texts and recycle as there are no new ideas as everything has been done before. Throughout the film wreck it ralph uses intertextuality quite a lot mainly referring to old 80s and 90s video games such as Mario kart with the candy car racing, Mario with ralph taking a Mario mushroom out a box, halo which has been adapted to create hero's duty. Although the film is all about a post modern technology of the video games the film is not as you cannot interact with it and film is in the modern era. The film plays with nostalgia to link the video games with childhood for adults watching.
Very good, clear and concise and you explain why it is PoMo (end of belief in progress) Develop to address how this makes texts richer in meaning - almost becomes its own language

Hyper reality is also used throughout the film which is a postmodern concept. It is the blurring between what is real and what is not. Obviously wreck it ralph is a cartoon with video game characters having emotion and lands made of candy this exaggerates real life and also includes simulacra which is a simulation of reality. It shows the humans controlling the video games and when they stop the video games then have a life of their own.
Here explain why this is a PoMo concept - use the content of last weeks grid to get the answer.
Dystopia is also included within wreck it ralph. This is also a post modern concept that refers to lack of belief. In wreck it ralph it shows the virtual world and real life world blurring and then destroying and going wrong. This relates to the lack of belief in any progress but also refers to when structures collapse things go wrong. I think each of these concepts relates to the actual modern fear of technology taking over human life. This is a modern fear as they believed in progress and in postmodern times we do not. Very good - however where is the example of this in the film (Hero's Duty?)

Wreck it ralph is a complicated grand narrative with the morality of good and evil being blurred. Throughout the film it shows villains who turn good win such as ralph and good people who turn evil loose such as the king of candy land. It is a film based on a crisis of identity which is postmodern as people are never happy with what they have and always want more than what they are.
Here you need to explain why this is a symptom of the core ideas of PoMo - the collapse of boundaries or rejection of Grand Narratives - towards individualism 
The postmodern idea that people only do things for themselves is also shown in this with ralph only helping Venelope to get his medal back although he then decides he does not care about himself. As it is a disney film it was important for the good to win. And to reenforce the Grand Narrative of dominant idea of society 
Wreck it ralph contrasts the modernism against postmodernism and this is mainly done between ralph and felix. Felix fixes things, wants a family and does things for his community whereas ralph was for himself and what he wants. Ralph breaks the structures of modernism and then felix comes and fixes the structures.
Excellent point

To improve:
Can you justify the complication of Hero and Villain with an example - Ralph in self help vs his willingness to sacrifice himself for the good if others
Very good effort Jen - well done

Lesson 3.2 Jameson vs Lyotard - 2 ways of being PoMo

Lesson 3.2 Jameson vs Lyotard

Prepare for Learning – Starter:
Screen Tron 1st x 30 mins
Historical version of Postmodernism compare style to Wreck It Ralph
How does this demonstrate Nostalgia, CULTURAL RECYCLING?
Discuss relationship of the film to Tron
How is the clip postmodern?
  • Religion (grand narratives)
  • Collapse boundaries between 2 worlds
  • Heightened augmented reality
  • Human or Technology ('User' or 'Programme')
  • Simulation (faces, clouds & cities, people)
  • Audience sense of nostalgia (Retro)

How does this relate to Wreck It Ralph? How has postmodernism developed? 1 word...

New Information
Read Article; what is it suggesting about the VALUE of Nostalgia. Why is It PoMo again?
Discuss relevance of Tron and Measure our Progress through the questions

Create Meaning: Revision resources:
Lyotard – death of the grand narrative post & 1 minute video explaination
Modernity to Postmodernity post

Create Meaning – Discuss in Pairs, how does Jameson link to Lyotard debating why is Ralph Postmodern?
epic battles:

Present as a Goanimate discussion between the 2 theorists

Check your Learning – Binary Opposites Modernism & Postmodernism
Match up the Binary Opposition post – what is Post-modern?

Check Learning
Using the list – what makes Ralph opposite to Modern – categorise by list (use later carousel)

Apply to demonstrate:
Write up in 300 words:
  • How do we define postmodernism (simplistic) as 'after' or 'anti' Modern
  • What are the stylistic aspects of Pomo, why are these 'after' or 'anti' Modern
  • How does collapsing structures (Grand Narratives)?
  • What aspects of Wreck it Ralph aren't Postmodern (Grand Narratives?)

Homework: Pre-reading for next Tuesday:

Read and prepare a summary on the ideas of the following 3 theorists:




 work you way through the resources to put together a presentation on how you can apply this to our TV case study: Black Mirror: 15 Million Merits & White Bear

In class we will begin with a Quiz on these 3 theorist using this grid - you also need to prepare examples from the Case Study 2 Black Mirror

Here is the full assessment starter activity for next lesson: