Friday 28 November 2014

Set work for 30 min 28.11.14

Assessment at 1:20

Use the powerpoints at the

Complete the grid linking explanation of why these stylistic elements are Postmodern (collapse of structures, lack of belief in progress and Grand Narratives, emptiness)

This means applying the characteristics to the stylistic terms

Eg hybridity = lack of belief in Grand narratives = collapse of structure separating genres

Assessment will be to write an analysis of  the Muse video of how this demonstrates the postmodern style characteristic, and explaining why these are PostModern (structures, reality etc...)

You have 30 mins - we have

Check your learning

End of class assessment

Watch wreck it Ralph - pre-learn the links below and write a 1 paragraph response
To what EXTENT (remember dying sexual relationship) is Ralph Postmodern?